Adjusting the Occiput on the Atlas

Marc’s article published in Dynamic Chiropractic magazine starts by reminding doctors why low force non thrust techniques are useful. He then go over specific assessment methods for the occiput, and muscle energy mobilization for this joint. He also utilizes the Upper Cervical Side Bend exercise.

2020-08-23T15:30:21-07:00April 27th, 2015|

Flexion-Intolerant Lower Back Pain (Part2): Exercise Rehab

Waiter's bow exercise Marc’s article is the second of a series on flexion-intolerant lower back pain.  We emphasize the basic things the patient has to learn or re-learn in their own movement patterns, in order to heal a disc or flexion-intolerant lower back. I had a patient, who had moved away, and then [...]

2020-08-23T15:36:57-07:00March 25th, 2014|

Back Pain and Invasive Treatment Procedures

Marc Heller, DC Yesterday, one of my patients, who has similar challenges to the ones I face with my back, asked me to write a blog about my own back pain issues.  I thought, really. I obsessed about my friend who recently died 5 years after a failed back surgery. One of [...]

2020-08-23T15:43:01-07:00March 18th, 2014|
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