Dr. Ann Oldham Michael
Dr Ann Oldham Michael has been an intermittent resident of Southern Oregon and Northern California for 40+ years. She has recently returned “home” from living a “bi-hemispheric life”, where for the past 11 years she spent the majority of her time living and working in Patagonia, Chile. She is now a full time resident in Ashland, Oregon.
Dr Michael has 24 years of experience as a chiropractor, with extensive post graduate studies. She is an internationally certified Sacral Occipital Technnic (SOT) instructor and examiner. Certified in SOT advanced training, she is also certified in Craniopathy (2005) from the International Craniopathic Society. Dr Michael enjoys treating the whole body and calls her style of work “ Structural Balancing”. Her treatment incorporates cranial work. Since the pelvis is the foundation of the spine, a main focus is on pelvis dysfunction, but she also examines the rest of the spine, extremities and visceral reflexes.
Dr Michael is well informed on diet, nutrition and helping people with lifestyle changes.
When not in the office serving patients, she loves to ski, hike, swim, and kayak, as well as spend time with her family.