Beating the Winter Blues

Do you tend to get the winter blues? Are you sluggish, have no energy, or sink into a funk? You may gain a few pounds. Your immune system seems to have gone on strike, and you catch every little bug. If you get the flu, it’s even worse, and can take weeks and weeks [...]

2020-08-23T16:05:46-07:00January 31st, 2018|

Avoid Being a Crash Test Dummy!

Matt Terreri DC, CCSP Plenty of us have been there, and more of us will go there. Sitting there in your vehicle minding your own business until WHAM! you get hit from behind or perhaps from the front, or maybe even worse. This article will hopefully give you [...]

2020-08-23T15:19:28-07:00January 20th, 2016|

How to Become a Wizard in a World Run by Muggles Combining Evidence: Experience & Expertise = Clinical Excellence

Marc Heller, DC Let’s honor and appreciate the evidence. And, let’s know, that unlike microbial diagnosis, our work does not lend itself to a black-and-white, evidence-based, rigid system. Become the grounded, common-sense wizard. Use both your left brain and your right brain. Learn to listen and observe.

2020-08-23T16:04:38-07:00November 26th, 2015|
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